2000 AD Covers Uncovered – John McCrea Rides With Dredd

Every week, 2000 AD brings you the galaxy’s greatest artwork and 2000 AD Covers Uncovered takes you behind-the-scenes with the headline artists responsible for our top cover art – join bloggers Richard Bruton and Pete Wells as they uncover the greatest covers from 2000 AD!

This week, we chat to John McCrea about his cover art for 2000 AD Prog 2224, out on shelves and in the 2000 AD web shop on March 24.

JOHN McCREA: Tharg asked me for- ‘one of Dredd racing towards us on his bike through the Mega-City traffic, if that sounds good?’

I agreed then tried some sketches (which I can no longer find as I threw them in the bin) but I couldn’t make it work ( my failing as an artist) so I decided to throw in a bunch of drug dealing perps and lots of guns and a dog and I came up with this sketch...

(Dredd, guns, guns, guns, and guns… plus a dog – the story of a McCrea cover.)


JM: Tharg found it acceptable (no Rigellian Hotshots for me, phew!), so I inked it.

(Inky stuff from McCrea)


JM: Then I added some digital tones- I’m a bit in love with the Kyle Webster brushes and fear I may be overusing them…. but it looked ok.

(Tones added to inks… cover more than taking shape.)


JM: Then I asked colourist extraordinaire Enrica Eren Angiolini to colour it- these were my notes to her along with a request to keep the background bright with lots of neon...

(McCrea notes to colourist Enrica Eren Angiolini.)


JM: Enrica’s colours were awesome so I told her to send the colours to Tharg...

(And now the full McCrea, Angiolini cover in all its glory.)


JM: I then invoiced Tharg and received my Galactic Groats shortly after that. I spent them. Probably on comics….

Our thanks to John McCrea for sending these over – another Zarjaz cover delivered. Enjoy the comics you buy with those Groats John. Might we suggest you head to the 2000 AD web shop and pick up some goodies?

You can all get hold John’s cover for 2000 AD Prog 2224 on 24 March from all the usual places, including the 2000 AD web shop!