2000AD Covers Uncovered – A Death in the Family?

Prog 1998 spells certain doom for a major Dredd character, but for whom does the bell toll? Dredd has finally pushed serial, serial killer PJ Maybe over the edge and he has promised to murder someone close to the lawman. Who will it be? Dredd’s niece Vienna? Lovely Old Mrs Gunderson? Bob, the sector 13 hottie stall vendor? Please, please let it be wubbish old Walter!

Below we see a couple of Paul’s initial, very imaginative ideas. Firstly a wonderfully ominous chalk outline in Dredd’s shadow and secondly, a shot of those tight boots as Dredd surveys the scene of the murder, chilling…

Ooooooh, Vienna!?!

The third idea is the one that tickled Tharg’s Belegusian thrill bone, as our favourite lawman looks sullen at the grisly scene…

Chief suspect in the murder was Keith Haring…

With the final sketch approved, it was time for Paul to break out the brushes to ink the final image…

White liiiiiines… blown away!

With the tense scene rendered, it was beamed to colour droid supremo Chris Blthye to work his magic on…

Tsk! Bloody grafitti is getting worse…

Huge thanks to Paul for sending the scrotnig images. This is an excellent cover that has me desperate to find out who lives and who dies!