Get up to 50% off our Broken Frontier Awards winners

We’re delighted to hear that Rebellion has scooped two honours in the Broken Frontier Awards for 2023!

A Very British Affair: The Best of British Romance Comics, curated by artist and comics historian David Roach and edited by Ollie Hicks, has been awarded the ‘Best Collection of Classic Material’ and I Am The Law: How Judge Dredd Predicted Our Future, Michael Molcher’s analysis of how the Judge Dredd comic strip predicted the rise of ‘authoritian ‘law and order’ politics and authoritarian policing, edited by Oliver Pickles, won the ‘Best Book on Comics’ award.

See all the winners here >>

To celebrate, we’re offering 50% off A Very British Affair and 25% off I Am The Law until the end of January – as well as discounts on Rebellion books that made the shortlists, such as Comic Book Punks and Misty: 45 Years of Fear.

So take a plunge into 2023’s best books on comics, according to Broken Frontier!

Curated by Eisner-nominated historian and artist David Roach, A Very British Affair charts the stratospheric rise of romance comics in postwar Britain with a selection of the greatest romance comics ever printed in the UK. Featuring an eclectic mix of artists from Spain, Italy, and the UK, this collection unearths the sensual art and emotional writing which delighted generations of comics readers.

Featuring over 50 comics stories – many of which have never been reprinted before – this lavish book is a stunning tribute to the often uncredited creators who crafted an industry of love. Roach shines a spotlight on the Spanish and Italian artists who dominated romance, as well as the genre’s forgotten female contributors, like Jenny Butterworth, Pat Tourett and Diane Gabbott. Featuring art by comics icons like Shirley Bellwood (Misty), Jordi Badía Romero (Creepy) and Enrique Badía Romero (AXA), Mike Hubbard (Jane), Carlos Ezquerra (Judge Dredd), John M. Burns (Modesty Blaise), Purita Campos (Patty’s World), Jesus Blaco (Steel Claw), Pepe Gonzalez (VampirellaJesus Redondo (Kitty Pryde) and Blas Gallego (Black Beth).

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Judge, jury and executioner, Judge Dredd is the brutal comic book cop policing the chaotic future urban jungle of Mega-City One, created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra and launching in the pages of 2000 AD in 1977.

But what began as a sci-fi action comic quickly evolved into a searing satire on hardline, militarised policing and ‘law and order’ politics, its endless inventiveness and ironic humour acting as a prophetic warning about our world today – and with important lessons for our future.

Blending comic book history with contemporary radical theories on policing, I Am The Law by writer and comics critic Michael Molcher takes key Dredd stories from the last 45 years and demonstrates how they provide a unique wake up call about our gradual, and not so gradual, slide towards authoritarian policing.

From the politicisation of policing to ‘zero tolerance’, from violent suppression of protest to the rise of the surveillance state, I Am The Law examines how a comic book warned us about the chilling endgame of today’s ‘law and order’ politics.

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