OUT NOW: 2000 AD Prog 2181

Prog 2181 sees more new Judge Dredd, Survival Geeks, Hershey, plus a new Future Shock and Aquila finale!


Welcome back, dear Squaxx, to the mid-week wonder that is the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic — the supercharged oasis of SF and fantasy action into which you can briefly escape the pressures of a global pandemic and allow your imaginations to soar.

This prog, we wave farewell to Aquila as he’s reborn into the underworld on his quest to find the location of Ammit the Devourer, but the man without a soul will return soon for the next leg of his journey.

Elsewhere, alongside a complete Future Shock from the McConville and Mutti droids, Survival Geeks, Hershey and the apetastic Dredd thriller Chimpsky’s Law all reach their penultimate parts, wrapping up next issue in time for 2020’s second bumper Regened prog on 27 May.

If you’ve recently joined our legion of readers — and the lockdown has encouraged many to take out a subscription, eager for stay-at-home excitement — then you may not be aware that the Regened issues are all-ages affairs, ideal for passing on to the droidlings in your life.

So far the 48pp Regened progs have proved the most popular of our pulse-pounding publications across the year, so make sure you don’t miss it — and as a subber it’ll come at no extra cost! How’s that for scrotnig service?

2000 AD Prog 2181 is out now from all good newsagents and comic book stores, plus digitally from our webshop and apps! Don’t forget that if you buy an issue of 2000 AD in the first week of its release then postage in the UK is free!

Cover by Jake Lynch

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Script: Kenneth Niemand / Art: PJ Holden / Colours: Quinton Winter / Letters: Annie Parkhouse

JUDGE DREDD // Chimpsky’s Law / Part Part Four

Mega-City One, 2141 AD. Home to over 130 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America, with the irradiated wasteland known as the Cursed Earth to the west. Unemployment is rife, boredom universal and crime is rampant. Tensions rest on a knife-edge and only the zero-tolerance Judges can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law!

Script: Rory McConville / Art: Andrea Mutti / Letters: Simon Bowland

FUTURE SHOCK // Scavengers

Out in the vast reaches of the universe, there are an infinite number of stories waiting
to be told. These cautionary tales pass from traveller to traveller in the spaceports and
around campfires on distant planets, acquiring the status of legend, their shocking
ends a salutory lesson in hubris. Anything is possible in these twisted trips into the
galaxy’s dark side. Abandon your preconceptions, and expect the unexpected…

Script: Gordon Rennie / Art: Patrick Goddard / Colours: Pippa Bowland / Letters: Jim Campbell

AQUILA // The Burning Fields // Part Eight

Following Spartacus’s failed revolt against his Roman masters, his rebel army was
crucified. Amongst these was the slave-turned-gladiator AQUILA, who cried out to the
gods for vengeance — and was answered by Ammit the Devourer, a deity that gifted
him with immortality in return for keeping her fed with evil men’s souls. Now, Aquila
wants to be released from Ammit’s bond, and is hunting for clues to her location…

Script: Gordon Rennie & Emma Beeby / Art: Neil Googe / Colours: Gary Caldwell / Letters: Annie Parkhouse

SURVIVAL GEEKS // Crisis of Infinite Nerds / Part Seven

Somewhere in the outer limits of space/time, plunging through the planes of reality,
is what looks like a regular suburban two-up two-down, but it is in fact powered by
misfiring transdimensional technology. Inside live sci-fi obsessives Clive, Rufus and
Simon, plus reluctant housemate Sam and pet Cthulhu Howard: explorers on the edge
of beyond, they’re never far from trouble on the worlds they visit…

Script: Rob Williams / Art: Simon Fraser / Letters: Simon Bowland

HERSHEY // Disease / Part Seven

Judge Barbara Hershey was one of Justice Department’s most respected and capable young officers before she became Chief Judge. Leading the city through numerous challenges, she only occasionally clashed with Dredd — until the ‘Small House’ affair and the revelation of Judge Smiley’s clandestine operations on her watch. Now, though, a microbial virus has seen Hershey resign, and her health suffer to the point of death…