Stories From A Sideways Universe: The 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 2024 is Out Now!

SCI-FI SPECIAL 2024 out now

ATTENTION, EARTHLETS – The 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 2024 is OUT NOW!

I am The Mighty Tharg, all-powerful alien editor of 2000 AD – the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic!

Welcome, my Thrill-seeking Squaxx, to 2024’s Sci-Fi Special, a 48-page self-contained issue designed to entertain you Terrans through the summer months. This particular edition is something a little different – following a rupture in the space/time continuum, a wormhole appeared close to Earth, through which several objects fell into this reality from a parallel dimension. Amongst them were pages from an alternate version of my Mighty Organ featuring characters slightly different to what Terrans may be used to.

In the parallel edition, toughest of the Mega-City Judges is mutant Johnny Alpha, while Downlode duo Ramone and Finny are Robo-Sharks, hunting rogue droids! Such was my intrigue and interest in these alternate takes on some of the Galaxy’s Greatest’s most popular strips – witness Stickleback as the captain of The Red Wench, or Strontium Dog Friday seeking revenge for being betrayed, or an aeroball team made up of flesh-hungry zombies from the Zombo universe – that I thought you deserved to see them too.

So I compiled them into this unique special, where some of 2000 AD’s favourites are as you’ve never seen them before!

The 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 2024 is out now from all good newsagents and comic book stores, plus digitally from our webshop and apps! Don’t forget that if you buy an issue of 2000 AD in the first week of its release then postage in the UK is free!




Cover Art: Mike Perkins

Script: Karl Stock / Art: Ben Willsher / Letters: Annie Parkhouse


Mega-City One, 2146 AD. Home to over 200 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America, with the irradiated wasteland known as the Cursed Earth to the west. Crime is rampant and only the zero-tolerance Judges can stop total anarchy. Toughest of these future cop is JUDGE ALPHA, one of a group of mutants given Special Dispensation to wear the uniform — he is the Law!

Script: Dan Abnett / Art: Anthony Williams / Letters: Jim Campbell


Ramone Dexter is a ROBO-SHARK in the future city of Downlode, where life can be short and the streets brutally violent. If a droid goes rogue or you need your personal robot found, then he and his mek-partner Finnigan are the team to call. It’s a dangerous job, and Ramone’s never far from trouble — and to make things worse, robots are seeking to disguise themselves amongst humanity…

Script: James Peaty/ Art: Nicolo Assirelli /Colours: Jack Davies / Letters: Simon Bowland


In the twenty-second century, an atomic war left many survivors mutated by the Strontium 90 fallout. These mutants were feared and despised by the ‘norms’ and became a marginalised underclass, forced to live in ghettos. The only job open to them is bounty hunting, and these Search/Destroy agents — or Strontium Dogs — are sanctioned by the Galactic Crime Commission to hunt the most lethal of criminals…

Script: Ian Edginton / Art: Paul McCaffrey / Letters: Annie Parkhouse


In the eighteenth century, pirates often prey upon merchant ships for their fat bounties. No terror of the seas is more feared than the ruthless STICKLEBACK, captain of The Red Wench. Together with his second-in-command Ampney Crucis, they prowl the southern seas looking for prey. But Stickleback is secretly looking for a particular treasure, one that will bring him unlimited power…

Script: Al Ewing / Art: Boo Cook / Letters: Simon Bowland


Aeroball is one of the most popular sports of the future, a violent combination of basketball and American football, played at high speed with the teams strapped into powerful jetpacks. But when the ZOMBO squad take to the skies, you’re guaranteed even more carnage — under the management of ‘living brain’ Louis, they’re a force to be reckoned with…