2000 AD Covers Uncovered: Neil Roberts Gets (Proteus) Vexxed For Prog 2315

Every week, 2000 AD brings you the galaxy’s greatest artwork and 2000 AD Covers Uncovered takes you behind-the-scenes with the headline artists responsible for our top cover art – join bloggers Richard Bruton and Pete Wells as they uncover the greatest covers from 2000 AD!

This week, we have another stunning cover featuring Proteus Vex by artist Neil Roberts for Prog 2315…

Inside the Prog, Proteus Vex continues its stunning latest adventure Crawl Space by Michael Carroll and Jake Lynch, where Proteus Vex is back in action and making dramatic moves in the Scorcher war.

Now, over to Neil…

NEIL ROBERTS: It all started off with a brief from Tharg, something along the lines of: “Proteus Vex character shot. Blasting away towards us. Based on the classic Ron Smith ‘Dredd cover”. I quickly delved into my reference folder for some other inspirational images:

From there, I worked up a few thumbnails, based on the references and character design:

One note was to lose the rocket pack on the back. Which was easily done at this stage.

And, basically, all I then do is sit down and paint. There’s no secret to the process – I paint for a day or two until the image is finished. I must add the debt I owe to Mike, Henry, Jake, Jim and Simon for creating the incredible world I briefly get to play in!

Short and sweet there from Neil! Thanks as always for him for sending along the images for another great looking cover! You can find 2000 AD Prog 2315 out right now, on the 2000 AD web shop and from wherever you get hold of the Galaxy’s Greatest!

For more of Neil’s incredible covers, be sure to check out his Covers Uncovered for Proteus Vex on Prog 2214, Prog 2268, the 2021 Sci-Fi Special, Regened Prog 2196, Dredd’s toothy belly button on Prog 2189, Ritterstahl in repose for Prog 2014, and Dredd riding out on the cover of Prog 1991.